/names /description /ingredients /shape /characteristics
/flute / pain / ficelle / tiers / boule / b‚tard
/ simple white french bread
/white wheat flour, sour dough, yeast, salt, water
/ long stick with diagonal cuts, coarsely structured / high percentage of crunchy crust, easy to break and eat, simple taste, good for every occasion
/ ciabatta (it.) = pantoffel / slippers
/ simple white italian bread
/ white wheat flour, eventually partly or entirely durum wheat, sour dough, yeast, salt, water, olive oil / oval or rectangular low loaf with diagonal cuts / rough coarse structure, crunchy surface, simple but strong taste, good for antipasti or cheese
/brown bread, îgrey breadî, rye bread (dt.: Schwarzbrot), mix bread (dt.: Mischbrot), ancestral bread (dt.: Urbrot), after-work bread (dt.: Feierabendbrot) …
/ wheat and rye flour or bruised grain, sourdough, water, salt, ev. seasoning such as fennel, kummel, coriander, anise
/ round or oval large loaf ev. with cross or diagonal cut or central ring surface from mold
/ strong taste, bit of sour, fine structure, slightly damp consistency, dark, tasty crust
/ rye bread, black bread, german bread
/ typical dark bread from Westphalia in Germany, containing full rye grain which is soaked in water and baked over a long period (min. 16 hrs.) on low temperature, evoking a specific process between sugar and enzymes inside the dough
/ rye grain and groat, water, salt
/ tin loaf (Kastenbrot) / sweet and juicy taste, very compact and wet consistency, can be stored over a long time, sweet taste
/ fugassa, schiacciata, crescentina
/ traditional flatbread from north italy, originally from Genova / flour, water, yeast, salt, olive oil
/ specific flat shape with finger wholes filled with olive oil and sea salt; ev. addition of fresh herbs (salvia, rosemary)
/ good as a snack, sandwich or appetizer; alone or with parmesan, prosciutto, tomatoes etc.
/ turkish: Pide, iranian: Nan-e Barbari
/ simple, soft flat bread known from greece to middle east / flour, yeast, water, sugar, salt, ev. sesame or black cumin
/ flat, round bread; small thin or large thick version / soft, fluffy, simple; slightly sweet taste; side dish for almost all dishes, originally fresh baken at any occasion and daytime.
/ flat, dry, hard, crunchy bread
/ typical speciality from south tyrol area
/ rye flour, sour dough, salt, kummel, fennel seed, anise, schabzigerklee (south tyrol herb), coriander seed
/ thin, flat, hard, round discs
/ strong taste, crunchy, only crust, very hard, makes sound while eating, long durability; traditionally eaten with bacon and cheese; varying in taste and shape regionally
/ paarl, vintschgauer, vinschgerle
/ typical tasty bread from south tyrol
/ rye flour, wheat flour, sour dough, kummel, fennel, cumin seeds, Schabzigerklee (curry taste)
/ small round flat bread, typically growen together as a pair
/ spicy taste, dense structure, slightly hard, good with butter and ham, strong cheese or honey
/ chestnut potato bread
/ bread speciality from north italian lunigiana area
/wheat flour, chestnut flour, potatoes, sour dough, yeast, water, salt
/ simple, round, smaller loaf
/ specific dry taste, slightly sweet, strong, brown color, dense structure
/ similar: brioche, milkbread, pannettone …
/ sweet bread for breakfast or coffe & cake
/ flour, butter, egg, shugar, milk, yeast, rasins, salt
/ plaited queue from three threads
/ sweet, smooth, soft taste and texture; taste and smell of fresh yeast; best fresh and warm from the oven
/ special bread from jewish essener group, made from germinated grain.
/ germinated grain, flour, sour dough, salt
/ essenerbrot is knowen to be rich of nutritiants compared to other bread; baked at a low temperature preserving high content of vitamins and minerals generated during germination of the grain
/ mild, sour, nutty taste; grainy, humid consistency
/ crispbread, dt.: Knäckebrot, swedish: knäcka crack
/ dry, crispy bread
/ rye flour, water, sourdough, salt
/ thin round flat bread with a whole in the middle
/ baked hot and dried, contains almost no water; contains high amount of fibre; can be stored well;
/pretzel, brezn; from lat. brachium: arms
/south german symmetrically shaped salty bread
/flour, yeast, salt, malt, caustic soda
/ formerly known as a dish for the period of fasting; oldest knowen figure bread; famous in all the world
/ strong salty taste, with butter or obazda cheese
/ beigl, jiddisch: bejgl or bajgl, polish: bajgiel
/ bread product originating in the Jewish communities of Poland
/ flour, water, yeast, salt
/ small round bread with a whole in the middle
/ the shape is enlarging the surface of the pastry; it is cooked in water before baking; the whole is fastening cooking time / dense, chewy, doughy interior with a browned and sometimes crisp exterior / roll-with-a-hole design is hundreds of years old / hole could be used to thread string through groups of bagels /easier handling and transportation /more appealing seller displays
/ bun, dt.: Brötchen, Semmeln, Wecke
/ typical Berliner small round bun with broken surface
/ flour, yeast, water, salt
/ small round bun with cut surface
/ good for breakfast or sandwich; cannot be stored long, best when eaten fresh
/wafer /latin: hostia, sacrificial victim/ host /altar bread/ communion bread / seal oblate
/very thin round piece of unleavened bread
/water, flour, starch
/boring taste / can be used to seal documents / bread used in the christian ritual of the eucharist / also referred to as the Lordís Supper or Holy Communion / along with sacramental wine, it is one of two ìelementsî of the eucharist / the bread is changed into the body of christ.